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3/24/2009 4:33 PM | |
Posts: 134 Rating: (11) |
Hi, I am wondering why my alarmsare notin redundancy. I aknowledge them on master, but on backup computer they are not gone. It is WinCC 6.0 SP3 HF2, 2 servers & 4 clients. Project is duplicated for redundancy and not changed a bit, and I have redudancy Optional settings all TRUE(chekbox), synchronizing... . . . or it should not work at all like I imagined, maybe? I think it worked on winCC 6.2 sp2. thanks for the help. |
3/24/2009 6:12 PM | |
Posts: 60 Rating: (2) |
For WinCC6.0 redundancy, after the alarms were acknowledged in one server, the other server cannot be shown as acknowledged. It is one of stupid things of wincc 6.0. |
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