5/12/2009 10:40 AM | |
Posts: 22 Rating:
Dear all, I currently work on a Java project to control variables on a S7-300. Thanks to all information on this website, I each several step of my programming. Now, I would like to "design" the CP-IT password window. Indeed, the final product is for a french client and even he probably undestands the Sheakespear 's language, we have to give him a total french software. Furthermore, does a way exist to know when the user give or not the login and pwd? The software is for only one user and I would like to disable the menu bar if somebody does not enter the right parameters or click on the "cancel" button. |
7/24/2009 9:55 AM | |
Posts: 22 Rating:
Hi, Just to inform you. We found a solution: - set the acces user to "everybody" in the hardward configuration - create your own authentification window in the Java project with a JDialog. That's all |
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