11/1/2023 10:23 AM | |
Joined: 11/4/2021 Last visit: 4/19/2024 Posts: 64 Rating:
The only method I've found was to use a Custom Web Control so that you can pass in a list of options with a script and then monitor the change of the selected option. I have attached an example but it is not my own work. I can't remember where it came from, maybe a worked example project? Anyway, there is also another post from the forums that provides much the same solution: https://support.industry.siemens.com/forum/au/en/posts/is-there-any-way-to-display-an-array-and-its-values-in-a-drop-down-menu-/298395 And the referenced github repo with the source is: https://github.com/David-PLC/CWC-Select-element Hope that helps. Attachment{5AEDD212-26B7-43BA-ACC2-8D9DBA3FE718}.zip (227 Downloads) |
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