4/13/2017 9:38 AM | |
Joined: 2/11/2014 Last visit: 12/13/2023 Posts: 40 Rating:
No announcement phase out for ET200s If you want to follow you can use product details page. e.g. https://support.industry.siemens.com/cs/pd/346946?pdti=pi&lc=en-WW |
4/13/2017 4:30 PM | |
Posts: 14 Rating:
thanks a lot for the sharing!!! it really helpful. |
2/13/2018 2:12 PM | |
Joined: 9/27/2006 Last visit: 2/6/2025 Posts: 12333 Rating:
Hello; Please do not expect an official pre-announcement of a phase-out from Siemens. On the date of the phase-out an official annoucement will be issued in Product Support, such as this one from a few years ago: https://support.industry.siemens.com/cs/ww/en/view/109740692 Details on availability and delivery of existing parts, as well as a list of affected part numbers and possible substitution models, will be issued with the announcement. Any other information of this type is only hearsay. This is the way Siemens operates. Hope this helps, Daniel Chartier |
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3/13/2018 8:48 PM | |
Joined: 9/27/2006 Last visit: 2/6/2025 Posts: 12333 Rating:
Hello Norbert; This article is dedicated to HMI panels, but the information applies to most products from Siemens Industry: Description of the Product Lifecycle for SIMATIC HMI Products (PLM) https://support.industry.siemens.com/cs/ww/en/view/91688124 This Lifecycle database is used by Siemens to populate the Product Information files that are accessible to all through the Search box at the right of this page, searching by product number.See for example the attachment below. The portion of the Lyfecycle description y that you have to keep in mind is the following:
So once the product is declared phased-out, Siemens provides a 10-year buffer for you to purchase new items with the same part number (as a spare part), unless they propose a successor product with an alternate part number. If the complete ET 200S line is declared phased-out in November 2018 for example, Siemens commits to the availability of spare parts for the ET 200S line until November 2028. So basically you do not need to start rushing now just in case the rumors come true. The price of the spare part will be a bit more expensive as the phase-out period starts, and eventually it will get steep as the available number of parts diminishes in their stock. But you do have time to analyse the replacement of existong equipment without panic. Hope this helps, Daniel Chartier |
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