12/1/2023 12:02 AM | |
Joined: 11/29/2023 Last visit: 12/1/2023 Posts: 1 Rating: (0) |
Hello everyone, I am trying to fill the space between two surfaces of a turbine blade, but I don't know which command to use. I imported a geometry made of several sections of the blade (in shape of an airfoil) connected to each other by two curves at leading and trailing edge. This is the 'external' surface. I created the internal surface with offset command and I need to fill the space in between these two surfaces in order to create the corrispondent solid afterwards. I don't think I can use 'BlueSurf', as the two surfaces aren't linked by any curves which I can select as 'Guide Curve'. I created the internal surfaces by offsetting the external surface of 50 mm towards the inner ; but I don't understand why near the trailing edge, the upper and lower part of the offset surface intercept to each other. Lastly, I wanted to ask how to join two lines in a single one. As you can see in the third photo, the trailing edge has been 'cutted' and so there is a small segment which doesn't allow the curve of that section to close completely. So I need to join these to lines. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
Last edited by: Jen_Moderator at: 12/01/2023 06:25:01New subject after splitting |
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