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3/30/2017 3:04 PM | |
Joined: 4/28/2015 Last visit: 11/12/2024 Posts: 3345 Rating: (379)
Here is a little example how to use a LEGO Mindstorms Plotter with the SIMATIC IOT2000. We used the LEGO Mindstorms and built the model "BANNER PRINT3R". In this setup the robot is able to draw/write. Then we replaced the LEGO controller with the SIMATIC IOT2000 to control the robot. In order to communicate between the SIMATIC IOT2000 and the robot the LEGO sensor cables have been cut on one side and have been connected to the GPIOs of the SIMATIC IOT2000. Because the LEGO motors need 9V power supply and the SIMATIC IOT2000 GPIOs only provide 3,3/5V a L293D motor driver is used in between. For the 9V power supply a simple battery is used. In this example the robot is able to write single letters or whole words. Additionally to that it can write the numbers 2 and 0. Others are not implemented. The program in C++ controls the three different motors depending on the letter / word you give the prompt as input. The example is programmed with the Eclipse IDE. You can find the source code, a graphical circuit diagram, the documentation of the motor driver and a photo of the real setup in the attached .zip-folder. Best regards! (553 Downloads) |
Not working for IOT2050 support anymore from March 1st, 2024. |
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