10/7/2017 3:04 PM | |
Joined: 9/23/2005 Last visit: 2/5/2025 Posts: 4402 Rating:
Hi, It is possible to access the SIWAREX parameters (and, as consequence, to calibrate it) from diffent ways. The easyests way are: Using SIWATOOL. Using a user program, in special by help of a HMI, like descripted in “TIA Portal project „Ready_for_Use“ & function block library for SIWAREX WP231”https://support.industry.siemens.com/cs/br/en/view/66825585 If you build a project based on this example is easy to calibrate by HMI. Even if you doesn’t have a HMI, it steel possible to simulate the HMI on TIA and calibrate the system in a easy way. Even when it not possible to use or simulate an HMI, it is steel possible to calibrate the system by user program, using the program example WP231PR block. It is possible to give commands setting block internal variables in user program or simply using a watch table. The related parameters that should be match depending to the application. Here there is a general parameters sequence for calibration with and without reference weights: Main sequence to calibrate without weights Set SIWAREX in service mode: "WP231PR_DB_s_CMD1.i_CMD_CODE" = 1 SET "WP231PR_DB_s_CMD1.bo_CMD_TRIGGER" Reset to factory settings (optional): "WP231PR_DB_s_CMD1.i_CMD_CODE" = 12 SET "WP231PR_DB_s_CMD1.bo_CMD_TRIGGER" Read DR3 parameters "WP231PR_DB_s_CMD1.i_CMD_CODE" = 2003 SET "WP231PR_DB_s_CMD1.bo_CMD_TRIGGER" Set DR3 parameters (values conforming the application, to details see the device manual) "WP231PR_DB_DR03.SCALE_NAME" ‘ Scale name (Arbitrary value) "WP231PR_DB_DR03.WEIGHT_UNIT" ‘Unit of weight (Arbitrary value) "WP231PR_DB_DR03. LETTER_GROSS_WEIGHT_2" ‘ASCII character for abbreviation of gross indication (e.g. B or G), only one byte is used! : B = 66 ; G = 71 "WP231PR_DB_DR03.RESOLUTION_D" ‘Scale interval: Resolution weighing range 1 (1*10**k, 2*10**k, 5*10**k]; k: -3 …2) "WP231PR_DB_DR03.MIN_WEIGHT_D" ‘Minimum weighing range "WP231PR_DB_DR03.MAX_WEIGHT" ‘Maximum weighing range Save changed DR3 parameters "WP231PR_DB_s_CMD1.i_CMD_CODE" = 4003 SET "WP231PR_DB_s_CMD1.bo_CMD_TRIGGER" Read DR10 parameters "WP231PR_DB_s_CMD1.i_CMD_CODE" = 2010 SET "WP231PR_DB_s_CMD1.bo_CMD_TRIGGER" Set DR10 parameters (values conforming the application, to details see the device manual) "WP231PR_DB_DR10.NO_POINTS_OF_SUPPORT"‘Number of support points. "WP231PR_DB_DR10.GAIN_LOAD_CELL" ‘Characteristic value of the load cell (n) [mV/V], the mean value is used if there is more than one cell. "WP231PR_DB_DR10.NOM_LOAD_ONE_LOAD_CELL" ‘Rated load of a load cell Save changed DR10 parameters "WP231PR_DB_s_CMD1.i_CMD_CODE" = 4010 SET "WP231PR_DB_s_CMD1.bo_CMD_TRIGGER" Calibration: (pre-requisite: empty weight) "WP231PR_DB_s_CMD1.i_CMD_CODE" = 82 SET "WP231PR_DB_s_CMD1.bo_CMD_TRIGGER" Backup of calculated values "WP231PR_DB_s_CMD1.i_CMD_CODE"= 2003 SET "WP231PR_DB_s_CMD1.bo_CMD_TRIGGER" reset SIWAREX from service mode "WP231PR_DB_s_CMD1.i_CMD_CODE" = 2 SET "WP231PR_DB_s_CMD1.bo_CMD_TRIGGER" Main sequence to calibrate with weights Set SIWAREX in service mode: "WP231PR_DB_s_CMD1.i_CMD_CODE" = 1 SET "WP231PR_DB_s_CMD1.bo_CMD_TRIGGER" Reset to factory settings (optional): "WP231PR_DB_s_CMD1.i_CMD_CODE" = 12 SET "WP231PR_DB_s_CMD1.bo_CMD_TRIGGER" Read DR3 parameters "WP231PR_DB_s_CMD1.i_CMD_CODE" = 2003 SET "WP231PR_DB_s_CMD1.bo_CMD_TRIGGER" Set DR3 parameters (values conforming the application, to details see the device manual) "WP231PR_DB_DR03.SCALE_NAME"‘ Scale name (Arbitrary value) "WP231PR_DB_DR03.WEIGHT_UNIT" ‘Unit of weight (Arbitrary value) "WP231PR_DB_DR03. LETTER_GROSS_WEIGHT_2"‘ASCII character for abbreviation of gross indication (e.g. B or G), only one byte is used! : B = 66 ; G = 71 "WP231PR_DB_DR03.RESOLUTION_D" ‘Scale interval: Resolution weighing range 1 (1*10**k, 2*10**k, 5*10**k]; k: -3 …2) "WP231PR_DB_DR03.MIN_WEIGHT_D"‘Minimum weighing range "WP231PR_DB_DR03.MAX_WEIGHT"‘Maximum weighing range "WP231PR_DB_DR03.CALIB_WEIGHT_0" ‘Calibration weight 0 (usually the zero point) "WP231PR_DB_DR03.CALIB_WEIGHT_1" ‘Calibration weight 1 "WP231PR_DB_DR03.CALIB_WEIGHT_2"" ‘Calibration weight 2 (optional) Save changed DR3 parameters "WP231PR_DB_s_CMD1.i_CMD_CODE" = 4003 SET "WP231PR_DB_s_CMD1.bo_CMD_TRIGGER" Calibration step 1 (pre-requisite: empty weight / apply weight 0): "WP231PR_DB_s_CMD1.i_CMD_CODE" = 60 SET "WP231PR_DB_s_CMD1.bo_CMD_TRIGGER" Calibration step 1(pre-requisite: apply weight 1): "WP231PR_DB_s_CMD1.i_CMD_CODE" = 61 SET "WP231PR_DB_s_CMD1.bo_CMD_TRIGGER" Calibration step 2(optional / pre-requisite: apply weight 2): "WP231PR_DB_s_CMD1.i_CMD_CODE" = 62 SET "WP231PR_DB_s_CMD1.bo_CMD_TRIGGER" Retirar SIWAREX de service mode "WP231PR_DB_s_CMD1.i_CMD_CODE" = 2 SET "WP231PR_DB_s_CMD1.bo_CMD_TRIGGER" Notes:
Denilson Pegaia |
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1/23/2021 8:42 PM | |
Joined: 1/23/2021 Last visit: 1/10/2022 Posts: 2 Rating:
Niestety projekty pod adresem: https://support.industry.siemens.com/cs/br/en/view/66825585 nie są projektami Tia Portal tylko plikami .ZAP Jak mogę to otworzyć w Tia Portal? |
1/23/2021 9:12 PM | |
Joined: 1/23/2021 Last visit: 1/10/2022 Posts: 2 Rating:
Niestety projekty pod adresem:https://support.industry.siemens.com/cs/br/en/view/66825585nie są projektami Tia Portal tylko plikami. ZAP Jak zrobić w Tia Portal? |
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