7/22/2019 9:16 AM | |
Joined: 10/11/2018 Last visit: 6/21/2024 Posts: 49 Rating:
Hello everybody, i have Siwarex WP 251 and ET-200SP. Communicate via ModbusTCP I need to tare/zero the weight but i don't know how to make it work. Anyone know how to? Reading seconds/weigth works fine. Thanks for any hints! AttachmentSiwarex_ModBus.zip (183 Downloads) |
7/23/2019 12:29 PM | |
Joined: 10/11/2018 Last visit: 6/21/2024 Posts: 49 Rating:
Hello siwarexi and thanks for your help. I tried what u send, but it doesen't work (propably fail on my side) I tried typing 1011 and 1 to the modbus and nothing. Switching words, dwords, also i tried it on second 503 port of the siwarex and nothing happens - i still got same weight number. Can u please look at my program? Very thanks! AttachmentSiwarex_ModBus_second_try.zip (171 Downloads) |
7/31/2019 3:46 PM | |
Joined: 1/4/2007 Last visit: 2/17/2025 Posts: 1174 Rating:
Hello Cadej_Chudej, I don’t find an issue in your program. Anyway, I tested my WP251 with a S7-1511 PLC. I used a watch-table to send commands to the WP251, see also the attached png-file (with the command "1011").
Siwarexi AttachmentWP251.zip (195 Downloads) |
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