9/17/2008 11:51 PM | |
Posts: 5822 Rating:
Hello, well for a C Sample I would recommend the quick Start CD. SIMATIC NET Quick Start CD Online – New Examples If you would want to use an easy way to try I would use an OPC Server with OPC Scout as a simple Client on it. How do you configure an S7 connection for the SIMATIC NET OPC server via PROFIBUS with the SIMATIC NET PC software? I hope it will help. Best regards J_Bell |
9/18/2008 9:29 AM | |
Posts: 4 Rating:
I found also: https://support.automation.siemens.com/WW/llisapi.dll?aktprim=4&lang=en&referer=%2fWW%2f&func=cslib.csinfo&siteid=cseus&load=content&start=21&nodeid4=20229805&extranet=standard&viewreg=WW&objaction=csview Im completely new to the OPC but seems a good alteranative instead of the SAPI_S7.I will read first yours. I just need an easy C++access to some variables for I/O. Hope to get it working. Thanks ;) |
Last edited by: Jorge Ramón at: 9/18/2008 9:32 AM |
9/18/2008 8:24 PM | |
Posts: 5822 Rating:
Hello, you are welcome, I hope it will work out well. If you like to tell,I would like to know if it works. Best regards J_Bell |
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