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4/23/2008 11:06 AM | |
Joined: 9/27/2006 Last visit: 2/18/2025 Posts: 12337 Rating:
Hello simaticmanager; WinCC offers various types of archives. Here are he main types, as described in the WinCC V6 basicmanual: Archiving methodsThe following archiving methods are available in runtime: · Cyclic process value archiving: continuous process value archiving (e.g.monitoring a process value). · Cyclic-selective process value archiving: event-controlled, continuous processvalue archiving, for example for monitoring a process value within a specificperiod of time. · Acyclic process value archiving: event-controlled process value archiving (e.g.archiving a current process value when a critical limit value is exceeded). · Process-controlled process value archiving: archiving of several process tagsor of rapidly changing process values. · Compressed archive: compression of individual archive tags or of entireprocess value archives (e.g. the hourly averaging of process values archivedevery minute). Start/stop events Events start and end process value archiving. The conditions that trigger an eventcan be linked to tags and scripts (C, VBS). In WinCC a distinction is drawnbetween the following events: · Binary event: responds to a change to a Boolean process tag. For example,the switching on of a motor can start process value archiving. · Limit value event: responds to a value falling below or rising above a limit or alimit value being reached. The limit value change can be absolute or relative.For example, archiving can be triggered in the event of temperaturefluctuations of more than 2%. · Time-controlled event: responds to a fixed point in time or an elapsed period oftime after the start of process value archiving. For example, a log is output atthe time of each shift change So basically you need to setup an acyclic, event driven archive for each of you process vaklues, triggered either by a binary event (setup in the PLC or in a C-script) or by a limit value crossing. The contents (columns) of the archive are user-selected suring configuration. Details for setting upthe archives can be found in the online helps, and you should not have too many problems. Hope this helps, Daniel Chartier |
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