8/16/2006 5:29 PM | |
Joined: 9/27/2005 Last visit: 11/27/2007 Posts: 1398 Rating:
Also have you seen this FAQ http://support.automation.siemens.com/WW/view/en/22273427 New segments should not be created if you simply stop / start WinCC Runtime. It's only if you are making changes to the Alarm or Tag Logging Editors. If this is what you are doing constantly then maybe you should consider using an Engineering Station and using the Load Online Changes Editor to download changes to the server. Just a thought ... |
8/18/2006 10:12 AM | |
Joined: 9/27/2005 Last visit: 11/27/2007 Posts: 1398 Rating:
You are correct about the "Size for all segments". It is obvious but still important [;)] When I say set the size correctly I mean not to make it too big. Let us assume we are logging 10 values every second. As you know, WinCC creates a new segment depending on either a size or a time limit, whichever occurs first. So for example, we can set the limits to100Mb and 1 week. One way to guarantee that the time limit is reached before the size limit is to increase the size limit to a very large value, e.g. 1Gb ! So we can be sure that a new segment is created every week and not every few days because we will never reach the maximum segment size of 1Gb. Although this will work it is lazy programming and as of SP3 it has a negative impact on the system. Our segments will be created with a size of 500Mb but they only need to store 6,048,000 values (number of values (10)x number of seconds in a day (86,400) x number of day in a week (7) ) ! However we only need ~90Mb ! This means that our segments are being created with an unnecessarily big size. This FAQhas thecalculation for determining segment sizes : http://support.automation.siemens.com/WW/view/en/22413908 |
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