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12/23/2006 12:44 PM | |
Joined: 1/7/2006 Last visit: 12/23/2024 Posts: 2705 Rating: (320)
Hi B, FB41 is a PID block and can not use certain stands for the output, you then have to built them by your self on the outside. [:blush:] The blocking of the valve for certain places (min/max)is easily to do with the minimum and maximum range of the output of FB41. With Modulaire PID you can do this very easy. Thats a package to built all kind off controllers that are not standard. [:o] See the handbook: Modular PID Control and Modular PID Control Getting Started for more infornation and possibilitys of the modular PID blocks. [8)] So you might use this blocks or you have to built it around FB41 (Tip: block the controller when you are on a range where you didn't want that the valve is opened further or less, because you will be get a windup of the I-action of the PID controller). [8)] |
I hope that the answer will help, if you have still questions, don't hesitate to ask me. |
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