3/7/2022 4:35 PM | |
Joined: 12/18/2014 Last visit: 1/16/2025 Posts: 34501 Rating: (4306)
Import of a technical question from the user AutoGen_3678584 via PM. I am an apprentice trying to learn the logo application for the first time so my own knowledge is extremely limited. I am trying to create an automated 4-20mA Output test application in which the following parameters are met: (see attached ). I this is something you would be able to assit with then your help would be greatly appreciated. Kind regards, Ollie AttachmentTestRigSpec.xlsx (816 Downloads) |
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3/8/2022 2:19 PM | |
Joined: 12/18/2014 Last visit: 1/16/2025 Posts: 34501 Rating: (4306)
I made something ready for you and I hope it fits. The analog output must remain parameterized to 0-20 mA, but still outputs 4.00 mA as a minimum. If the process is started, 7.00 mA is output immediately. After 4 seconds, the value is then increased every second by 0.04 mA. After 15 seconds (19th second) the value of 7.60 mA is reached and remains. AttachmentRamp_function_0BA8.Standard.zip (783 Downloads) |
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