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3/22/2007 2:23 AM | |
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Important Transport axis can only be drive A of the spindle−axis power section with PB address 10and drive number 5 or drive A of the twin−axis module with PB address 12 and drive number1 (see also Table 2-3).When configuring the axes, first define the transfer axis, and then the analog spindle. Example:X, Z, SP, AOnly the X or Z axis may be configured as a transfer axis.The example below will use the first machine axis (X1) as the transport axis. X1 will be driveA on a 611 UE closed−loop control module with PROFIBUS address 12.In the 802D, the spindle is parameterized as the third machine axis (SP) (standard data recordfor turning). This spindle is an analog spindle with +/− 10V interface. The maximumspeed in 9,000 r.p.m. at 10 V in this example. Read carefully and take care of the difference between “ drive number” and “drive number of transport axis” MD 13060: DRIVE_TELEGRAM_TYPE[0] = 0 ( here index [0] is used because axis number 1 minus 1 is 0)([0] corresponds to drive number − 1) MD 13070: DRIVE_FUNCTION_MASK[0] = 8000 ( here index [0] is used because axis number 1 minus 1 is 0)(with the 802D, only valid from software release higher than 2.1.5) ([0] corresponds to drive number − 1) P890 Activate angular encoder/encoder interface= 4P922 Message frame selection PROFIBUS = 104Save + RESET P915[8] Process data setpoint assignment PB = 50103P915[9] Process data setpoint assignment PB = 50107P922 Message frame selection PROFIBUS = 0Save + RESET MD 30110: CTRLOUT_MODULE_NR[0,AX3]=1(drive number of the transport axis) MD 30110: CTRLOUT_MODULE_NR[0,AX3]=1(drive number of the transport axis) MD 30120: CTRLOUT_NR[0,AX3]=2MD 30130: CTRLOUT_TYPE[0,AX3]=1 MD 30220: ENC_MODULE_NR[0,AX3]=1(drive number of the transport axis) MD 30230: ENC_INPUT_NR[0,AX3]=2 MD 30240: ENC_TYPE[0,AX3]=1 MD 31020: ENC_RESOL[0,AX3]=2500(number of increments of the TTL encoder) MD 32110: ENC_FEEDBACK_POL[0,AX3]=−1(if necessary, invert the actual value) MD 32250: RATED_OUTVAL[0,AX3]=100 MD 32260: RATED_VELO[0,AX3]=9000(adjust the analog interface) MD 34060: REFP_MAX_MARKER_DIST[0,AX3]=360 MD 35300: SPIND_POSCTRL_VELO=50(speed at which the position controller becomes active with SPOS) Attachment802D analog spindle.pdf (863 Downloads) |
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