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12/9/2008 8:48 AM | |
Posts: 54 Rating:
Hi all, pls help me in 810D power line configure. NowI am configuring for 810D power line with: CCU 3.4 ( NCKandPLC-CPU 314C-2DP), Simodriver 611, PCU 50 mount onOP12, MCP 483C. All of them work on MPI network 187,5 kbps. I have installed all software on PCU: STEP7 v5.4, toolbox 7.6 and also configureMPI's node forall devices (PLC:2, NCK:3, MCP:14 by switch, PCU:1). AfterI started up system,PCU50 recognized all deviceswiththeir address on MPI network but "PLC softkey" is not displayed on SINUMERIK OS interface,I cansee NC, MMC, Driver/servo on tab "STARTUP" of SINUMERIK but"PLC" tab is hidden,I also download Hardware configure and basic program followingmanual with OB1(Call FC2), OB100 (Call FB1), OB40 (Call FC3), PLC, but afterdownloadingits PS, PFLED lights up and I must reset by S4 switch at 3 position (MRES), that's mean all program had downloadedbefore was erased.Although when the PR LED lights up (Mean PLC RUN),an error stillappearon OP12 is: "2001: PLC has not started up". I have neverdone thissystem before. Pls point to me some advises to configure this system.
Attachmentconfiguration.pdf (404 Downloads) |
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