5/18/2006 5:20 PM | |
Posts: 20 Rating:
I´m a student from Universidad Cantabria (SPAIN). I´m using Analog modules k60, to do my project. I´m using CP343-2 and when I try to read the Total Configuracion (Code 19h)calling the function FC ASI_3422. Always appears an error wich I send youin attachent file, the help wich the message offers me. I´m using the Step 7 V5.3 and the FC7 (system function)to do the configuration. I can change the slave address, why can´t I read the slave configuration? There some problem´s about the FC7 version? AttachmentError.zip (902 Downloads) |
5/19/2006 11:08 AM | |
Posts: 20 Rating:
You can use the Google tools to do the translation. It will be very easy.[:D] |
5/19/2006 12:03 PM | |
Posts: 20 Rating:
In Spanish or in English: The block does not contain any valid additional information. It is for that reason that has recompilado the call to block, like in all the versions of STEP7 previous to the 5. I don´t understand why the example program dosen´t work. The example program is: ID 5581657. I habe made the download and when the function FC ASI_3422 finish the job always give me in the STATUS word the error 83F8 (job number unknown). This example program should work very well. |
6/6/2006 11:53 AM | |
Posts: 20 Rating:
I made some correcions in my software. Now it´s working. |
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