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5/12/2010 3:23 PM | |
Joined: 9/29/2005 Last visit: 12/16/2024 Posts: 313 Rating:
Hi Hans, i am not an expert in conf10 but i am experienced in MAS21/5. From my feeling it will be difficult to get such a ready-to-use project because it´s quite specific. Are you sure you want to implement it into a plc? here you can use a ready-to-use software which is pc-based. It is more comfortable when you want to implement and maintenance lists of phonenumbers and members. And of course if you want to give them alarm classes too. You can connect your plc to the pc or industrial pc via whatever (ethernet, profibus, opc.....). If you really want to implement it into the plc then please don´t change the library itself, but you the "send_sms" functions in a step-chain. I think this is more easy to handle. In the step-chain there is a loop. The loop count is the number of messages you want to send. in each loop you check -phone-number -text -alarm class. Now from were do you want to get those informations? I would advice you to use recipes. Most easiest data management in your case. And the bonus: You can import lists via a HMI/WinCC flexible Runtime. regards Lif |
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