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Technical Forum
3/27/2008 2:28 PM | |
Posts: 5822 Rating: (412)
Hello, well, these are actually two questions as one. To the first question, there is another tool to set an IP Address to a CP, this Tool is called PST Tool. This will help your customer, but it will not work over a remote Network, because it is MAC based. About the second question, I guess you use Port forwarding, don't you? If so why should you not be able to download a HW Config with a new IP Address in it? You are right, if you want todownload you have to set the public IP of theremote Router as the Endpoint but the Router willforward the Traffic to the CP and than to theCPU. It surely does work,but you will have to be aware that due to the Port forwarding the Connection to the CP will be lost as soon as the CP has its new IP Address. Then the Router on the remote side has to be configured that way that the new IP of the CPis set as the Endpoint for the Port forwarding. Than you have connection again. Best regards J_Bell |
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