3/18/2013 1:11 PM | |
Joined: 4/19/2008 Last visit: 11/21/2024 Posts: 1525 Rating:
Hello cgenius01, Can you Explain the More about the problem, Are you able to Communicate with Drive over Profibus? What is Status showing on the Drive End? Is try Parameter is Set ? Have you used the Right GSD File for the ACS800 ? Not then Download from ABB Website. Here is the Project for the ABB Drive |
Ammy |
3/18/2013 1:52 PM | |
Joined: 3/21/2006 Last visit: 2/10/2025 Posts: 10239 Rating:
To addExample PLC Codes for ABB drives Is this a new drive or old one? In case of new drive you must follow commissioning steps from the beginning. Best regards, Hristo Mihalev
3/18/2013 1:56 PM | |
Posts: 8 Rating:
Hi Ammy, Thanks for return.. Do you have an example for the CPU315-2DP RPBA-01 configuration.I could not see. |
3/18/2013 1:58 PM | |
Posts: 8 Rating:
Hi Umencho, Thanks for return, ı have ACS800-04-0004-3 with RPBA-01 module. ı need to software for profibus comm. |
3/18/2013 3:41 PM | |
Posts: 8 Rating:
Thank you very much for your help.Communication was achieved. |
3/18/2013 4:14 PM | |
Joined: 9/27/2006 Last visit: 2/13/2025 Posts: 12336 Rating:
Hello cgenieus; Could you please try to explain exactly what you are looking for? ABB does publish a lot of documentation on the web on their PLCs and drives, did you try to locate the specific information you require? Here is a small pdf from ABB explaining how to integrate the ACS800 as a slave on a Siemens Profibus-DP master; it also gives information on the setup of the drive parameters for such exchanges. RPBA-01 PROFIBUS-DP Adapter Quick Start-up And here you can dowload the required gsd file for Profibus communications: RPBA-01 PROFIBUS-DP-V1 Adapter's GSD File Actually, look up RPBA-01 on Google and you will find a large list of hits : http://www.google.ca/#hl=en&sugexp=les%3B&gs_rn=6&gs_ri=psy-ab&pq=rpba-01%20gsd&cp=7&gs_id=29&xhr=t&q=rpba-01&es_nrs=true&pf=p&sclient=psy-ab&oq=rpba-01&gs_l=&pbx=1&bav=on.2,or.r_qf.&fp=c53862c4a372886e&biw=1920&bih=878&bs=1 Hope this helps, Daniel Chartier |
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