6/17/2015 10:02 AM | |
Joined: 8/3/2009 Last visit: 2/14/2025 Posts: 14758 Rating:
Hello Everyone You have to be careful when you pull your USB Stick out of the panel you have to stop all Logs and then you have to use the Systemfunction "CloseallLogs" after mounting the Stick you have to open the Logging and then start the Logging. The following FAQ tells you the right steps: https://support.industry.siemens.com/cs/ww/en/view/63042926 When you test it in simulation look at your C Partition there will be a folder that the simulation created for the USB Drive and here you can look if the function of your Project is working before you test it on your Panel. Good luck Bye Murof |
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7/11/2016 3:11 PM | |
Joined: 9/3/2014 Last visit: 3/13/2019 Posts: 4766 Rating:
New question published by AutoGen_740927 is split to a separate thread with the subject Archive data log in KTP700 . Best regards |
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