1/15/2016 4:17 PM | |
Posts: 21 Rating: (3) |
Thanks for your answer. I'm asking about this because one of our S7 300 CPU went to stop mode as you can see at the diagnostic buffer attached and this CPU is in operation (running without this similar fault) for over 9 years. Talking to same friends and siemens technical support by phone, this problem maybe cause by endless loop, according of the time set at the CPU properties . Analyzing the program we found at least 4 loop's like the example of the first post. Because this I'm thinking the better way to eliminate the probability of endless loop to these 4 cases found. Should not have at least more one event at diagnostic buffer advising about the "cycle timing" and than just at second cycle time exceeded the CPU should have stop? The OB80 is inserted at the project. Taking the opportunity, could you give an idea how can I identify what is wrong according to event 2...99 of 100 (diagnostic buffer attached) ? I checked if the program code looking for DB address (DBW 0 in this case?) used at the code and not fit at one DB and not found anything. Are there more things can I look for? Thanks for attention . Br, Marciel Fernandes
AttachmentDiagnose.txt (334 Downloads) |
1/15/2016 6:44 PM | |
Posts: 21 Rating: (3) |
Thank you so much for answering me. I'll check all things that you said. Attached is the program that I upload at same day when CPU went to stop mode (the diagnostic buffer is this day too). If can you check too I'll be very thankful. Again thank you so much. Br, Marciel Fernandes Attachmentprogram.zip (426 Downloads) |
1/16/2016 4:28 AM | |
Posts: 21 Rating: (3) |
Hi hdhosseini, thanks for your attention. I started the code simulation using S7-PLCSIM, first I removed the OBs (80 and 121) that mask programing errors and then I started simulate the same situation of the day failure.I simulate sixth times, the first five were ok, but at the six the CPU went to STOP mode because of "Event ID 16# 2522". Different of the previous diagnostic buffer that I sent, now it shows the FC where the erro ocurred. Attached follow the piece of code appointed by the Stacks properties and the diagnostic bufferof the simulation. Please, give me some ideas about what is wrong and maybe how can I improve the program. At the same time I'll study more here to try to solve this problem and looking for more. Thanks a lot. Br, Marciel Fernandes Attachment1º ERROR.rar (317 Downloads) |
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