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5/22/2008 8:40 PM | |
Posts: 23 Rating: (0) |
Hello, I have 2 separate projects withS300 and CP343-1 and I need to communicate between them. I configured in netpro "iso-on-tcp", used FC5 on 1st PLC, FC6 - on another (like in description, but communication doesn`t works). Some questions: 1. How should be selected communication modes: active, passive? On each PLC. I selected first (FC5-SEND)PLC as active, another - passive, (connection status shows "Established"), but in status shows "waiting for send (receive) data, sent, received - 0. 2. TSAP I named the sames names (TCP-1 both "local" and "remote"). Is this OK? 3. My "SEND" FC gives ERROR output, but the STATUS is "0". I tried to use FB 14 - GET (insecondPLC), but also this didn`t work. It gives error 25 (decimal). I changed "active/passive" modes of PLC in Netpro, but this helps nothing. Where else could be a problem? Please answer asap. |
5/23/2008 6:47 AM | |
Posts: 23 Rating: (0) |
I am using AG_SEND and AG_RECV functions. AG_SEND gives error BOOL output, but status shows "0" AG_RECV gives status 8180 (hex) |
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