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7/19/2013 4:29 PM | |
Posts: 9 Rating:
Hi experts....In our projects (please look at the attachment) we uses Sinamics G120 with induction machine under (p1300=20) sensor less speed control (SLVC) option. And our aim is 1 time auto tuning under no load in order to find machine equivalent circuit parameter values and saving this list than changing load (our loads are cylindrical shape like rotors) inverter should calculate speed controller parameters and should update them before operation. We have this approach: At the beginning We enter the machine data to inverter than Commissioning Control panel –give up control priority-enables Identification/optimization Stationary measurement-start Turning measurement-start Up to here machine is operated under no-load Speed Controller optimization –startAnd parameters are loaded to inverterWe want that our inverter should be capable auto tune its speed controller when we change load.And actually we want to use this parameters: R0047 Motor data ident. routine and speed controller optimization / MotID and n_opt displays the actual status for the motor data identification (stationary measurement) and the speed/velocity controller optimization (rotating measurement). Value: 0: No measurement 115: Measurement q leakage inductance (part 2) 120: Speed controller optimization (vibration test) 140: Calculate speed controller setting 150: Measurement, moment of inertia 170: Measurement, magnetizing current and saturation characteristic 195: Measurement q leakage inductance (part 1) 200: Rotating measurement selected 220: identification, leakage inductance 230: Identification, rotor time constant 240: Identification, stator inductance 250: Identification, stator inductance LQLD 270: Identification, stator resistance 290: Identification, valve lockout time 300: Stationary measurement selectedEspecially want to use 120 140 150 p0340[0...n] Automatic calculation, motor/control parameters / Calc auto parSetting to automatically calculate motor parameters and V/f open-loop and closed-loop control parameters from therating plate data .0: No calculation 1: Complete calculation 2: Calculation of equivalent circuit diagram parameters 3: Calculation of closed-loop control parameters 4: Calculation of controller parameters 5: Calculation of technological limits and threshold values P1400 Speed control configuration / n_ctrl configBit field: Bit Signal name 1 signal 0 signal FP 00 Automatic Kp/Tn adaptation active Yes No 6040 01 Sensorless vector control freeze I comp Yes No 6040 05 Kp/Tn adaptation active Yes No 6040 06 Free Tn adaptation active Yes No 6050 14 Torque pre-control Always active For n_ctrl enab 6060 15 Sensorless vector control, speed pre-control Yes No 6030 Actually I dont know also how I can adjust this parameter it uses hexadecimal but how it can be decided ex :factory setting 8021 H =1000 0000 0010 0001 bin what should I understant from this... p1959[0...n] Rotating measurement configuration / Rot meas configBit Signal name 1 signal 0 signal FP 01 Saturation characteristic identification Yes No- 02 Moment of inertia identification Yes No- 03 Re-calculates the speed controller parameters Yes No - 04 Speed controller optimization (vibration test) Yes No - p1965 Speed_ctrl_opt speed / n_opt speedIs it help this parameter with changing 40 % to %5-20 to estimate system inertia (inertia ratio) in case of big inertia ?With using the given parameters or others is it possible to success at this project? sorrry for long entry Thanks for your considerations,Regards Yaylaci Attachmentprojects.pdf (385 Downloads) |
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