5/20/2011 11:49 AM | |
Posts: 259 Rating:
Hi, Ekalavya have right it look like some errors in parametrization in NCK. Or maybe you have some disruption on the connection.
makaveli |
5/20/2011 12:41 PM | |
Joined: 12/12/2005 Last visit: 3/17/2024 Posts: 180 Rating:
Hi Pavlik, Intresting update problem. Can you drive any axels with more speed by hmi or automatic mode. Can you see from 840d plc servo fc. It might be parameter problem, (maybe u can tellmore about your system)can you go online and see some fc or fbfor servo drive. I have exmpl fc18 positioning wich also gives speed value to axeldepending position. Is there posibility that your system lost servo´s positions? regards Heksu doconweb http://www.automation.siemens.com/doconweb/ HT2... http://www.automation.siemens.com/doconweb/showpdf.asp?mw=0&lword=ht 2&rword=&sop=0&sac=default&spg=0&item=19&cd=sinumerik_sinamics_04_2010_e&scope=all&ResultSet=2251962,2251965,2251967,2251949,2251950,2251952,2251953,2251956,2251954&CurrentItem=2251962&ResultType=search |
"Beer is proof that God loves us and wants us to be Happy"-Benjamin Franklin |
5/20/2011 2:29 PM | |
Posts: 2964 Rating:
Hello.... Check this FAQ SINUMERIK HT2 - high-speed handwheel rotation http://support.automation.siemens.com/WW/view/en/44205348 Regards, Ekalavya |
5/20/2011 2:41 PM | |
Posts: 20 Rating:
Hi Ekalavya, thanks, but I am not able to open this document. Access denied. Help me again? Pavlik |
5/20/2011 2:48 PM | |
Posts: 2964 Rating:
Hello, Check this PDF attached... Regards, Ekalavya AttachmentSINUMERIK HT2 - high-speed handwheel rotation.pdf (480 Downloads) |
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