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10/18/2013 3:44 PM | |
Posts: 58 Rating: (9) |
so here is the problem / bug: ALL OF THE FOLLOWING IS ON A S7-300 PLC ! it works on a s7-1500 If you make a User-Data-Type (UDT). Let's call it User_data_type_1. [code] TYPE "User_data_type_1" VERSION : 0.1 STRUCT Element_0 : Bool; Element_1 : Bool; Element_2 : Int; Element_3 : Time; END_STRUCT; END_TYPE [/code] Now you make a Function Block with this UDT as a in_out variable and a Static variable. And Let's make a Dummy integer in the temp. [code] FUNCTION_BLOCK "Block_1" { S7_Optimized_Access := 'FALSE' } VERSION : 0.1 VAR_IN_OUT test : "User_data_type_1"; END_VAR VAR test2 : "User_data_type_1"; END_VAR VAR_TEMP idummy : Int; END_VAR END_FUNCTION_BLOCK [/code] Oke and now the problem.... so far everything compiles. now we at the following line in the function block: [code] BEGIN #idummy := BLKMOV( SRCBLK := #test2 , DSTBLK => #test); [/code] nothing special, just a block move from a static variable of type udt to a in_out variable of type udt. same type nothing special... in step 7 v5.5 it works, so you should expect it works now as well... but... nop. ERROR: "Invalid parameter assignemt." Same problem to a Fill. So how to work arround this problem... anyone got any idea? Thanks! :) (i also uploaded the project so you don't have to rebuild it yourself..) (319 Downloads) |
Last edited by: v.kerstholt at: 10/18/2013 3:47 PMLast edited by: v.kerstholt at: 10/18/2013 3:45 PM |
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