5/8/2017 9:41 AM | |
Joined: 4/24/2006 Last visit: 1/24/2025 Posts: 8808 Rating: (1177) |
Hello, You can use a HMI with Ethernet interface. Have a look at the following link: How do you establish a connection between a LOGO! 0BA7 and an HMI Panel? You need an Ethernet cable (patch cable) to connect to LOGO! 8 Best regards, Wizard |
This contribution was helpful to1 thankful Users |
5/8/2017 9:50 AM | |
Posts: 17 Rating: (0) |
Hello, Can you recommend me a regular product (patch cable - Ethernet cable) provided Siemens for interface connection LOGO! 8. Thanks. |
5/12/2017 8:14 AM | |
Posts: 2930 Rating: (432)
Hi, check www.siemens.com/logo and what kind of starterkits are offered. You can also find starterkits including HMI, SW and LOGO! in one kit. Hope this helps |
6/30/2017 2:24 PM | |
Joined: 6/19/2017 Last visit: 9/6/2024 Posts: 8175 Rating: (174) |
New question published by 123+asd is split to a separate thread with the subject Network output from the Logo to create an event which illuminates a circle on the KTP screen . Best regards |
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