8/31/2023 10:24 AM | |
Joined: 6/4/2018 Last visit: 1/13/2025 Posts: 4 Rating: (0) |
On the manual (see atthaced) is mentioned that a micro SD card can store a maximum of 50 data log files for each LOGO! Base Module. If you insert the same card into another LOGO! Base Module, it can store another 50 data log files for the current LOGO! Base Module, but the maximum number of lines that a card can store is limited to its memory size. A data log file on the micro SD card can store a maximum of 20000 lines. If the memory of the micro SD card is full and you want to create a new data file, then an error message will be generated automatically. Question: In my case, I've got 20 values that must be logged every second, thus I need 20 lines per second, and as a result I can only log data for 1000 seconds on each data log file. An SD card can store up to 50 data log files, so I can log data for 50000 seconds in total, which is 13.8 hours, correct? AttachmentLOGO! - Data log.pdf (566 Downloads) |
8/31/2023 12:23 PM | |
Joined: 12/18/2014 Last visit: 1/18/2025 Posts: 34505 Rating: (4306)
In attachment a Data Log file from a SD card (csv file) and a EXCEL file with the imported Data Log.
AttachmentData Log.zip (541 Downloads) |
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9/6/2023 5:20 AM | |
Joined: 9/11/2014 Last visit: 1/16/2025 Posts: 804 Rating: (34) |
Hi, you can configure up to 32 signals/values for datalogging. More cannot be configured. Hope this helps |
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