10/31/2007 5:46 PM | |
Joined: 10/31/2007 Last visit: 2/28/2025 Posts: 7 Rating:
Hello, I am new to working with the PLC in the 810M. I have anewer PGand have done work on 95U's. I have no idea how to connect to the PLC on the 810Mso I can make some minor changes to the PLC logic within the unit. Update: I have found a cable diagram in the manual for the 810, also I have been able to make the data setting changes and set the unit to enable the port for plc programing. I dont know if the problem is with the S5 settings or the cable. any help would be a great help. Thanks Jeff |
Last edited by: mbulldog2001 at: 01.11.2007 18:31 |
11/2/2007 9:58 PM | |
Joined: 10/17/2007 Last visit: 3/13/2025 Posts: 4245 Rating:
you know the setting on 810M, only you should do is on 810M: DATA IN/OUT-->DATA INPUT--> START then try to make on-line by S5 . good luck. |
If you like my comments please |
11/4/2007 4:48 PM | |
Joined: 2/27/2007 Last visit: 3/30/2022 Posts: 79 Rating:
Hi, Have you set the PLC bit I think 5010 should be 00000100 It should show PLC data instead RS232 Then go data IN/OUT data in start DIO should appear on top Then open plc project in PG you will able to go online, (Use same cable used for RS232 data transfer) You are able to do online modifiaction One more thing if you are using PLC eprom then you have set one more bit for plc program is from ram or EPROM If the bit is set for EPROM changes will be effective until you switch off machine Thanks this may be help you |
11/16/2007 5:26 PM | |
Joined: 10/31/2007 Last visit: 2/28/2025 Posts: 7 Rating:
Thanks for all of the info. I am now able to get online and perform edits to the program. |
11/17/2007 4:43 PM | |
Joined: 2/27/2007 Last visit: 3/30/2022 Posts: 79 Rating:
Hi mbuildog You can get bit in 810M manual I think it is MD5019 bit 3 To write the modified program in EPROM you require SIEMENS PG or external prommer. Now the modifie dprogram will be in PLC as long as your battery is good or you have not erase the PLC |
Last edited by: atharva at: 17.11.2007 16:46 |
11/27/2007 4:39 PM | |
Joined: 10/31/2007 Last visit: 2/28/2025 Posts: 7 Rating:
OK, so now I have reloaded all the software from another machine to this one and it seems to all be ok. The problem that I have had for awhile and still have is that after being online for a while withS5the 810 locks up on me. Also I am having a problem getting in the PB1 block and doing anything with it. I can see all other blocks but this one (just happens to be the most important at the time) Everytime I go to get into it it ether locks up or gives me a error and sends me back to start screen of S5. I have no problem getting into our other machine witch is identical to this one as far as the controls go. any help or tips would be greatly apriceated. (Please keep in mind I have only been messing around with S5 for about a month or so) |
Last edited by: mbulldog2001 at: 27.11.2007 18:56Last edited by: mbulldog2001 at: 27.11.2007 18:55 |
11/27/2007 10:59 PM | |
Joined: 2/27/2007 Last visit: 3/30/2022 Posts: 79 Rating:
Hi, What I understood is that you have load all NC,PLC and part program in the machine and they seems OK? Now you are unable to see online status of PB1 correct? Is PLC program is loaded or it is from EPROM? Is machine running Ok or still have problem? If you want to edit the PB1 then first transfer all blocks from PLC to PG? and then check last statement BE (block end) is there or not Sometimes dust on CPU board gives nonsense errors. But in such condition you should have all backup because if you remove CPU all data will lost. Try to explain in details at what point you stuck up. |
11/28/2007 3:37 AM | |
Joined: 10/31/2007 Last visit: 2/28/2025 Posts: 7 Rating:
The machine has no errors and most of the function is present. I can not get the servos to move (hold LED turns on), I know there is logic near the end of the PB1 block to enable them and remove the hold. When I tried to go debug by viewing the program during operation I could not do so, this is when it was giving me the errors. I also cannot edit the files forPB1 on the PLC.I do have ful backups of all programs and files so restoring is not a problem. I also wanted to note that when using PCIN to restore the files I had a hard time doing so at 9600 baud, and had to run at 1200. Also I have a problem staying connected on interface one and have to use interface two. This sometimeswill still cause the 810 to completley lock after trying to perfrom some functions. I have checked the program and it looks to be good. I have also tried to transfer the PB1 block to the machine again and after doing so it says that it transfered sucseefully but I still have the same problems. One last note I did pull the CPU card after I lost the data last time to dust it off with a can of air (it was very dirty) and noticed some jumpers and (SW1 and SW2)looked like it was ajar a bit. I have no idea what this does and the manual said by default it was to be open. Could this jumper or any other jumper or bit setting be causing the problems that I am seeing. I had a chance to work on it some more today and found them problem with the hold on the servo. Now the problem I still have is that I can transfer a block to the PLC but I cannot view it while it is running. What happens now is that when I go to test is starts to look like it is going to work then pops up a dialog that the block is finished and gives you the option of OK and then puts you back into the menu Thanks in adavance for all your help Jeff |
Last edited by: mbulldog2001 at: 28.11.2007 23:14 |
11/29/2007 3:47 AM | |
Joined: 2/27/2007 Last visit: 3/30/2022 Posts: 79 Rating:
Hi If you have seen dust on CPU how was the IC pins on CPU is it very durty? I think it is better to remove the CPU again and clean it with good quality of PCB cleaner or alcohol. Also dry enough if possible use hot air dryer. Reload all data it will work otherwise you have to replace the CPU board with spare and try it? |
11/29/2007 5:42 PM | |
Joined: 10/31/2007 Last visit: 2/28/2025 Posts: 7 Rating:
I cleaned the CPU and back plane along with the other moduals in the system. I reladed the software and came up with the same issues. I do not have a spare to swap out at this time our other machine is in use 24x7. The errors also show up when trying to compair blocks. I have attached the compair file and the ladder blocks so mayby you could take a look to see if I am over looking something. Thanks Jeff Attachment810m_plc_problem.pdf (626 Downloads) |