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7/26/2010 9:22 PM | |
Posts: 3 Rating:
we have also a machine equipped with 840D in combination of incremental en absolute encoders. one of the axes had a similar problem. sometimes after a reboot, the axis loses its position. the display show the axis like 'not referenced' so i need to reference it properly. you can check the status of machinedata 34210 where the value is normally 2. when the physical position change when the system is down, the system say's on the next boot: axis not properly referenced, the value of MD 34210 becomes to 0. the display shows then the value of 34100 can you verify of this happens? Splitted from Absolute Encoder Referencing Lost after every Power On of Machine. |
Last edited by: O_Moderator at: 7/28/2010 12:16 PMnew subject after splitting |
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