9/25/2023 3:06 PM | |
Joined: 4/6/2021 Last visit: 1/21/2025 Posts: 7 Rating:
Good morning, I have a problem with the output value of a technological object in the positioning axis. The TO is configured according to the Siemens usage examples on the Pre-servo and post-servo (https://support.industry.siemens.com/cs/us/en/view/109741575). Therefore with external analog transducer (4-20mA) brought to TO via telegram 81 and FB "SimpleEnc". I believe I have correctly configured the "false" mechanics in the TO and referenced the axis with MC_HOME. The problem is that with Move_velocity (without position control) the output corresponds to what I expect according to setpoint, while if I try to do a position control the output always goes out of scale. That is, with analog output from 0 to 27648, it ends at over 35000... I think the problem is internal to the position control of the TO but I can't figure out where. Thanks so much for the support |
Last edited by: Jen_Moderator at: 09/26/2023 08:16:37Text formatting and link optimized. |
9/28/2023 7:02 AM | |
Joined: 11/4/2011 Last visit: 2/11/2025 Posts: 253 Rating:
Hi there, all of what you write - except the last point - seems fine to me and looks good. Velocity and VelocitySetpoint being equal in non-positioncontrolled mode is alright. Velocity is the setpoint before the position controller, VelocitySetpoint the value after position controller. So with no position controller being active, they have to be equal. Setpoint position being zero with Power off and ActualPosition differing from this is also alright. The same applies to the setpoint position being set to actual position when activating the TO, and Position being set to zero when doing a MoveVelocity (basically it is a Move Velocity, so there is no setpoint position but setpoint velocity). The problem is your last point, VelocitySetpoint jumping to 200% maximum value. You'll probably also have an alarm 501 from the TO at this moment, as the value sent from TO to the drive probably hits the configured MaxSpeed in the TO. As you say that the ActualPosition is correct (i.e. corresponds to the analog measured value and mechanical reality), the only thing left would be the parametrization of the mechanics and / or drive parameters in the TO (and perhaps in the drive, too). Check the mechanics parameters in the TO, if they match the real mechanic. Also make sure the drive parameters in the TO are correct (actor settings in the TO), and also ensure that the same values are set in the drive (the TO sends a normalized value to the drive, and the drive then needs to calculate back from this normalized value to the velocity it has to move, so the values for this normalization need to be correct and equal on both sides). For a better understanding of the parameters and how these are connected to one another, you might check this FAQ about the control structure of the TO: https://support.industry.siemens.com/cs/ww/en/view/109770664 There is also an FAQ about position controller optimization, though I think the controller itself is not the real problem you are having (assuming that you have not configured the position control totally bad but run default settings there): https://support.industry.siemens.com/cs/ww/en/view/109779884 Regards, |
9/29/2023 6:17 AM | |
Joined: 11/4/2011 Last visit: 2/11/2025 Posts: 253 Rating:
Hi there, what TO-Version is in use? One that already provides the linear axis setting? It shows how to parametrize the rotatory axis TO in a way to suit linear movement such as hydraulic valve. Regards, |
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