4/3/2013 4:48 PM | |
Posts: 4 Rating: (0) |
PID Compact loop has been called in OB200 (Cyclic Interrupt) Also i have put a condition to enable the pid loop, because my application demands
4/4/2013 11:29 AM | |
Posts: 4 Rating: (0) |
Dear Sir, Im enclosing the screenshots of my pid tuning. Here i observe new error in the PID block, i.e Error while starting pretuning (Error No. 0008) & Pretuning may not be carried out in automatic mode or during fine tuning (Error No. 0020). Also in the screenshot, the part where the commissioning window is selected from the PID block is indicating a warning symbol. I do remember, sometime back when i did something, the pretuning part was done & this symbol which is appearing in the commissioning window selection part on the PID block got cleared & the status bar was showing fine tuning is not completed. Can someone please explain what is the difference between pretuning & finetuning, also how to clear the warning signal in the commissioning window selection point in the PID Block.
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