7/12/2013 12:51 PM | |
Joined: 9/23/2005 Last visit: 2/13/2025 Posts: 4403 Rating:
Hi, Two tips: 1 - check ifyour STEP 7 is updated to current version (e.g. V11 SP2 upd5) AND the HSP are installed. 2 - Use a integrator to calculate flow/hour (integral of a constant is a time function, for example 1 => seconds; 1/3600=> houres) FAQ http://support.automation.siemens.com/BR/view/en/42469594 |
Denilson Pegaia |
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4/25/2014 12:06 PM | |
Joined: 3/29/2012 Last visit: 11/13/2024 Posts: 2 Rating:
HiPegaia This example project converting distance/second to total distance. If I have to convert Kg/Hr to Total Kg then should I need to use the same value Kg/hr as input or I need to convet it into Kg/s to use as a input? Thanks
Ankit Patel |
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