10/20/2010 7:45 AM | |
Posts: 91 Rating: (1) |
Hello, We using TRAORI function for swivel head. TRAORI type is 24. now when ourA axis is rotating after TRAORI activez axis is moving on positive direction(according to machine Z axis should move to negative direction). we tried by changing Z axis to opposite direction but that timeX and Y axis movement is not perfect. please check below information and parameter(attached). and give us somesolution. 1. Axis origins X0 = front of table Y0 = right side of table (seen from front of table) Z0 = machine table surface A0 = spindle pointing downwards (6 o’clock position) C0 = spindle nameplate pointing towards front of machine (A axis gearbox pointing to back of machine)2. Axis directions X = positive is towards back of table Y = positive is towards left Z = positive is upwards A = clockwise (view from front of the machine backwards) C = counterclockwise (view from top of machine downwards) . Attachmentparameter.pdf (278 Downloads) |
10/25/2010 6:58 AM | |
Posts: 91 Rating: (1) |
please help us....... |
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