4/8/2013 8:51 PM | |
Joined: 5/9/2007 Last visit: 12/4/2024 Posts: 9 Rating: (0) |
I have read the other threads with this question but they don't solve my problem. I got MSI File initialization failed: ERROR_INSTALL_FAILURE The OS are XP with SP3. I have tried to copy the dvd to a local folder and run the install from there but no luck. In the log file I find this warning and error. I have also attached the log file. [code]20:10:20|.... |MsiEnvironment::AddProductByPath() |(07) OpenDatabase completed. Prod: [MAIN_EDITIONDISPLAYNAME] - TIA Tour Single SetupPackage V12.0; Elapsed Time: 0,062 s. 20:10:20|.... |MsiSetupPlus::CustomInitialize() |(07) Starting ADS_SIA_Sequence... 20:10:20|.... |MsiSetupPlus::CustomInitialize() |(07) ADS_SIA_Sequence has returned: ERROR_INSTALL_FAILURE 20:10:20|WARNING |MsiSetupPlus::CustomInitialize() |(07) Error executing SIA Sequence. ERROR_INSTALL_FAILURE; Details: ; Path: C:\SETUPDIRTMP\InstData\TIAESTOUR\Media\TIAESTOUR.msi 20:10:20|.... |MsiEnvironment::AddProductByPath() |(07) Database Initialized. Prod: [MAIN_EDITIONDISPLAYNAME] - TIA Tour Single SetupPackage V12.0; Elapsed Time: 0,529 s. 20:10:20|.... |MsiEnvironment::AddProductByPath() |(07) 20:10:20|INFO1 |MsiEnvironment::AddProductByPath() |(07) Msi product was not initialized. Return value: ERROR_INSTALL_FAILURE 20:10:21|ERROR |EnvironmentAnalyser::Analyse() |(07) Exception - SetupMsiException Siemens.Automation.Setup.Core.SetupMsiException: MSI File initialization failed: ERROR_INSTALL_FAILURE 20:10:21|ERROR | ... continue line ... |Exception - vid Siemens.Automation.Setup.Sia.Engine.Prod.SetupUnitFromBundle.InitializeMsi(MsiEnvironment msiEnviron) 20:10:21|ERROR | ... continue line ... |Exception - vid Siemens.Automation.Setup.Sia.Engine.Environ.EnvironmentAnalyser.Analyse(DoWorkEventArgs e) ######## ---------- END SECTION --------------------------- ####################[/code] AttachmentSIA_STEP7_PRO_V12@13-04-08_20-08-28.pdf (351 Downloads) |
4/8/2013 10:14 PM | |
Joined: 5/9/2007 Last visit: 12/4/2024 Posts: 9 Rating: (0) |
Yes I'm admin on the computer. I have earlyer installed TIA v10,5 and TIA v11 without any problems that I can recall. |
8/31/2021 10:29 AM | |
Joined: 5/19/2017 Last visit: 1/14/2025 Posts: 11 Rating: (0) |
I have got the same problem but proceeding with subst not solve the problems... any ideas? Log file in attachment. AttachmentSIA_STEP7_S7FPLUS_WINCC_PRO_V16@21-08-31_10-24-38.txt (187 Downloads) |
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