10/3/2015 12:12 PM | |
Joined: 9/23/2005 Last visit: 1/10/2025 Posts: 4389 Rating: (1462)
“Simple Samples” are small projects that demonstrate simple features. The target is give a quick overview about the theme and be used as start point for related discussions. Follow there are a short description and the configuration main steps.
Access restrictions based on Users limits the user to perform buttons commands depending of his authorizations. It could be used for several targets (like to block access to screens). In this example, depending of logged user (John, Steve, Lee, Bill) it is possible to change tags (by button or IO field).
The principle is: 1 – Actions (e.g. Buttons and IO field) are linked with authorizations definitions 2 – User groups defines typical case of users and these respective authorizations 3 – User are defined and linked to User groups
User ↔ User Group (set of Authorizations) ↔ Authorization ↔ object access restriction
Logon dialog is showed automatically when the actual user tries to perform a non authorized action.
The users could be managed online by User View object (the features are limited conform the user authorization settings).
Requirements: WinCC Basic V13 SP1.
Project with a minimum configuration (stop button, tags, etc.).
Configuration main steps:
Optional: call Logon Dialog
Optional: manage online User / Password
Note: in this example, just the Administrator user can manage all users.
References: Manual WinCC Professional V13.0 https://support.industry.siemens.com/cs/br/pt/view/92323076/en
Online helps system WinCC Professional V13.0 SP1 https://support.industry.siemens.com/cs/br/pt/view/109096785/en
Application and tools Demo projects for HMI operator panels under WinCC V13 (TIA Portal) for Basic Panels (2nd generation) and Comfort Panels https://support.industry.siemens.com/cs/br/pt/view/96003274/en
FAQ Which VBS information and VBS programming tools are there in WinCC (TIA Portal)? https://support.industry.siemens.com/cs/br/pt/view/59885894/en
Tips and tricks for creating scripts in WinCC (TIA Portal) https://support.industry.siemens.com/cs/br/pt/view/57132412/en
Images: Due a size/ format restrictions, the images are first compacted with 7z format (images.z7) and after that attached to a zip archive (data.zip).
Project: Due a size/ format restrictions, the project are first compacted with 7z format (project.z7) and after that attached to a zip archive (data.zip).
AttachmentData.zip (463 Downloads) |
Denilson Pegaia |
11/7/2016 10:28 AM | |
Joined: 11/7/2016 Last visit: 4/20/2024 Posts: 16 Rating: (2) |
hi.. when i compile your project, it showing error "The 'Tahoma' font is not installed. Check the installed fonts." |
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