10/30/2009 7:07 AM | |
Joined: 10/7/2005 Last visit: 1/15/2025 Posts: 3029 Rating: (1058) |
Hello e_ashish I'm afraid that using a Y-Link (and/or DP/PA link) on a Software Redundant Systemis NOT an offically supported solution. You'll find some more useful info in this thread: S7-300SWR with DP/PA links Note that you cna do what you intend to in an S7-400 H system though. I hope this helps |
Cheers |
10/30/2009 12:30 PM | |
Posts: 5822 Rating: (412)
Hello, how about the use of the smallest S7-400 H System? Best regards J_Bell |
10/31/2009 12:26 PM | |
Joined: 10/7/2005 Last visit: 1/15/2025 Posts: 3029 Rating: (1058)
You could also consider doing the control/status VSD interfacein the "old fashioned" way via hardwired I/O's from your ETM200 stations. Should you go down this path itwill however NOT help you with the proposed DCS Profibus DP Slave link. For this you could hypothetically use an additional CP342-5 per 315 CPU. The CP will the DP Master for your DCS and you wouldcall the required DP_SEND and DP_RECV blocks for the CP342-5 in the redundant section of your software. This means the CP342-5 in the Master CPU will handle the "DCS DP Slave" (parameterise & configure it on startup as well as doing the comms), wheras the CP CP342-5 in standby CPU will be in STOP state and do nothing (until such time that a changeover take places from Master to Standby CPUin which case it will start handling the "DCS DP Slave". The downside: You'll loose comms to the DCS for a little while during changeover between the CPU's. Sounds all a bit messy, doesn't it?, so I'm with J_Bell on this one and advise you to go for a S7-400 H system instead of a Software Redundantsolution. I hope this helpsand good luck |
Cheers |
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11/4/2009 6:16 AM | |
Posts: 37 Rating: (0) |
Fritz& Bell Thanks for your suggestions. , Now i am taking VSD on Hardwaired IO & DCS on CP 341 instade of Profibus . . Ashish |
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