8/5/2014 9:22 PM | |
Joined: 7/7/2010 Last visit: 2/11/2025 Posts: 15628 Rating:
Does this thread help? /tf/WW/en/Posts/50677 or this one? /tf/WW/en/Posts/94234 or this one? /tf/WW/en/Posts/71210 or this one? /tf/WW/en/Posts/89478 |
science guy |
8/6/2014 12:03 PM | |
Joined: 1/5/2011 Last visit: 1/28/2025 Posts: 815 Rating:
Dear AEJ18, check out this thread, especially the post from smiffy: /tf/WW/en/Posts/106278 It helped me a great deal in understanding ANY pointers. They are not that complicated once you get it. When I take a look at your screenshot, you are not dissasembling your any pointer, since I can't see the "AT" command to disassemble. Check out this example on using the AT keyword: How can you construct an ANY pointer in S7-SCL using the AT function? Since you are not using the AT command to dissasemble, your ANY pointer is not set up correctly. Kind regards, Jens |
Last edited by: Jens_app at: 8/6/2014 2:48 PMwrong link Keep it simple and on-topic. |
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8/6/2014 2:55 PM | |
Joined: 1/5/2011 Last visit: 1/28/2025 Posts: 815 Rating:
Dear AEJ18, I'veedited my post, the link that gives more information about the AT keyword was wrong. Check out "How can you construct an ANY pointer in S7-SCL using the AT function?" to see how to use the AT command.
In TiA portal the AT keyword can be declared in the declarationinterface itself. (Check out theattachment) Although the screenshot is taken in TiA V11 I'd guess the principle will stillbe the same. Kind regards, Jens |
Keep it simple and on-topic. |
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