10/9/2016 6:14 PM | |
Joined: 9/23/2005 Last visit: 2/13/2025 Posts: 4403 Rating:
“Simple Samples” are small projects that demonstrate simple features. The target is give a quick overview about the theme and be used as start point for related discussions. Follow there are a short description and the configuration main steps. Description: in this simple sample, controller FB variables are automatically created on HMI tag table. Requirements: TIA V14 SiVArc (SIMATIC Visualization Architect) Project with a minimum configuration: S7-1500 configuration, Configuration main steps:
Result:The FB Block_1 (instance DB FB_Block_1_DB) inputs and outputs are configured as WinCC tags, a screen MySCADAScreen is added to HMI screens, on HMI MySCADAScreen one MySCADAFaceplate_1 is copied, with name Block_1_DB, the intern text field is renamed to “Block_1_DB”, the IO field variable is connect to Block_1_DB.Status PLC tag, the Button is connect by invert bit function to the Block_1_DB.On PLC tag. Project: Due a size/ format restrictions, the projects (one before and one after SiVArc generation) were first archived as zap14 format and after that attached to a zip archive (.zip). Attachmentprojects.zip (389 Downloads) |
Denilson Pegaia |
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